Update NexT Theme to v8

NexT Compatibility with Hexo Version

Version Hexo 3.0.0-beta.4 or earlier Hexo 3.0.0-rc.1 ~ 3.9 Hexo 4.0~4.2.1 Hexo 5.0 or later
NexT v0.4.5.1 or earlier ❌Icon(2) ❌Icon(2)
NexT v0.4.5.2 ~ v7.4.1 ⚠️Data Files(1) ❌Icon(2) ❌Icon(2)
NexT v7.4.2 ~ v8.1.0 ⚠️Data Files(1)
NexT v8.2.0 or later ⚠️Nunjucks(3) ⚠️ Nunjucks(3) ⚠️ Nunjucks(3)

(1): Hexo 3.0.0-beta.4 or earlier does not support Data Files.

(2): Icons may not be displayed normally.

(3): Nunjucks renderer plugin required.

NexT Repositories

Due to historical reasons, NexT has three different repositories.

Years Version Repository
2014 ~ 2017 v5 https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next
2018 ~ 2019 v6 ~ v7 https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-theme-next
2020 v8 https://github.com/next-theme/hexo-theme-next


Use npm

$ cd hexo-site
$ npm install hexo-theme-next@latest

Use git

$ git clone https://github.com/next-theme/hexo-theme-next themes/next

Add NexT as git submodule

git submodule add https://github.com/next-theme/hexo-theme-next themes/next
因为是使用 submodule 的缘故,有新版本需要更新 NexT 的时候,一定要进入NexT的文件夹。

cd themes/next
git pull origin master


How to configure Hexo and NexT? The traditional approach is to store some options in site config file and other options in theme config file. This approach is applicable, but it is not smooth to update NexT theme from pulling or downloading new releases.

At present, NexT encourages users to use the Alternate Theme Config. It’s a feature of Hexo and the documentation is here: Hexo Configuration.

This tutorial shows you how to configure NexT using Alternate Theme Config. Please choose only one of the following solutions and resume next steps.

With this way, all your configurations locate in config file /_config.[name].yml. Replace [name] with the value of theme option in site config file, e.g. next.

Please ensure you are using Hexo 5.0 (or later).

Create a config file in site’s root directory, e.g. _config.next.yml.

Copy needed NexT theme options from theme config file into this config file. If it is the first time to install NexT, then copy the whole theme config file by the following command:

Installed through npm

cp node_modules/hexo-theme-next/_config.yml _config.next.yml

Installed through Git

cp themes/next/_config.yml _config.next.yml